Consulting Services

Our MBA can transform cleaning expenses into profit dollars!

The TKMS Maintenance Budget Alternative can customize and standardize the cleaning program in any multi location business. The Program will completely control labor and product. Total costs are reduced and savings go directly to your bottom line.

Cleaning endeavors have three components:

  • Labor
  • Chemicals
  • Equipment

The labor component is the most expensive and the least managed. This results in fragmented appearance and higher costs. How well is the labor managed in your locations? How is the contractor selection process managed? Are you sure that you’re not overspending for cleaning? If you are just a little uneasy answering any of these questions it is NOT a surprise. Cleaning is not the focus of your business. Selling products or services is your business. We have been using this concept for over fifteen years. It works! So if your appearance levels or cleanliness standards vary from store to store, if contractors are selected with little criteria and with no standardized program, let us show you how to manage these tasks so that standardization and profitability are maximized in an area that is often mismanaged and too costly. Let us show you how to manage these tasks. We will reduce costs, increase profitability, and standardize appearance when our MBA works for you.